We would not be here if it were not though supporters such as you
At SEP, we are able to change children with diverse abilities’ stories because of donations from our supporters. A little can go a long way into making life better for the children with diverse abilities.
Donations from Kenya (Ksh)
Paybill number: 919974
A/C number: Name
Bank: ABSA Bank
Swift Code: BARCKENX
A/C number: 0455325994

Every community we serve has been impacted with better therapy interventions because we are backed by your donations
Donations from Europe / Euro (€)
Via the account number of Kolabo/via de rekening van Kolabo:
IBAN: BE52 1030 7053 2509
Bank: Crelan (Swift code: NICABEBB)
Reference: Kolabo SEP
Via de rekening van Kontinenten:
Giften vanaf € 40 per jaar zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar
IBAN: BE66 7380 3734 7143
Bank: KBC (Swift code: KREDBEBB)
Reference: SEP Remmerie Karolien
Vermeld in de mededeling de naam van het project (SEP Kenya), uw rijksregisternummer en adres indien u belastingsvermindering wenst voor uw gift en dat kan inbrengen in uw belastingen.

All donations go toward the SEP activities