Parents and caregivers play a major role in the development of their child and are often pivotal in the progress. Therefore, it is very important that parents and caregivers are the main partners in the therapy intervention. This is a long term investment in skill development that sets child and family up for the best quality of life possible.
Besides the individual based Therapy Intervention, SEP organizes interactive and practical workshops for parents in cooperation with community based organisations and centres that SEP works with. The workshops cover the different aspects in the development of a child and build basic therapeutic skills. The topics are selected in consultation with the parent groups. Topics can be: acceptance, handling and positioning, communication, play, daily life activities, toy making, first aid, nutrition, cognitive stimulation, behaviour modification, etc.
The workshops empower the parents and caregivers by acquiring knowledge, understanding, and skills to practice and implement in their homes. This results in a positive attitude towards their children as they understand the condition better and have the know-how. The workshops are also valid for group dynamics as parents share experiences and support one another.
The Parents Workshops are one crucial point in SEP’s work. It provides the certainty that the children receive continued and quality therapeutic intervention and positive attitudes at home, school and in their communities.